Random Ruby Bits

Merge and sum hash of hashes hash1 = { :employee1 => { :val1 => 20, :val2 => 10, :val3 => 50, :val4 => 30 }, :employee2 => { :val1 => 30, :val2 => 40, :val3 => 60, :val4 => 10 }, :employee3 => { :val1 => 70, :val2 => 60, :val3 => 10, :val4 => … Continue reading Random Ruby Bits

Setup Rbenv, Ruby and Rails on Ubuntu 16.04

If you're still new to Ubuntu I've a post with some useful commands that'll help you navigate and use the terminal! Useful Unix Commands for macOS or Linux Update and install some dependencies apt-get is a package manager command line tool similar to Homebrew on macOS and is used to manage applications on Ubuntu. Lets update … Continue reading Setup Rbenv, Ruby and Rails on Ubuntu 16.04

Setting up and using RBENV on macOS

Rbenv is a great tool for setting up Ruby environments. Different applications could require different versions of Ruby and Rails so using Rbenv to manage this makes things a lot easier and ensures pulling your hair out remains at a minimum. Installing Homebrew Homebrew is an excellent package manager for macOS that simplifies installing and … Continue reading Setting up and using RBENV on macOS